Create your Roku Channel

Setting up Roku Channel

For instructions on setting up your roku device for developer mode visit this link:

First Steps

Roku has sunsetted the direct publish feature many roku channels have depended on for years. allows you to configure and upload a SDK Channel by following the steps below:

Download the file and extract it to a folder you can rename the folder named TEMPLATE to be your church name but do not use spaces or non alphanumeric characters when renaming the folder

Open the file named manifest in the root folder, you can edit this file in notepad on pc or text edit on mac.

- Change Title value to be the title of your Channel

- Change FEED_URL value using the feed url configured in the EXTRAS > ROKU CHANNELS tool in

- In the manifest file you have access to modify colors. Modify these values to colors you choose.

- If you do not want to use a background image you can turn it off by adding a # character in front of the value.  See below:backgroundImageURI=pkg:/images/background_image.jpg

- Create all images and overwrite in images folder, make sure images are 72ppi web optimized images
File Names: icon_focus_hd.png,icon_focus_sd.png
The artwork for your channel's tile, which is displayed on the Roku home screen, Roku Search, and other platform experiences.
hd-336x210, sd-248x140 (PNG)

File Names: splash_hd.jpg, splash_fhd.jpg, splash_sd.jpg
The artwork that is displayed when your channel is launched.
fhd-1920x1080, hd-1280x720, sd-720x480 (JPG)


Artwork that can be displayed on the background of pages in your channel.
**Note make sure the image is created in a way that text will be readable over it.
1920x1080 (JPG)

In the manifest you may also need to modify the version numbers if you are replacing an existing SDK channel.

Once these files are all modified you are ready to zip up your channel files and sideload it to a Roku Device that is set up in developer mode.
**Note: When creating the zip file do not zip the root folder but select all folders, the manifest and the README file to compress as zip file.

Steps after zip file is created:
1. Side load Channel to a roku device
2. Test the Channel
3. Compress the Channel by clicking Convert to Cramfs
4. Package the Channel and Download Package for uploading to Roku
5. Access your account and create new channel or upload new package to replace an existing channel

For up-to-date information on side loading, testing, and publishing your channel please visit:

Moving from Direct Publish to SDK Scenegraph instructions though will be helpful when starting with a new channel in your Roku Dev account 

In depth information on packaging your channel

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